Ezekiel’s journey of faith began at a young age in the 1930’s following an experience with God in the forest of his birthplace and rural village called Ngaone in Chipinge, Zimbabwe. God revealed Himself in an astonishing supernatural visitation, and with a simple message saying “Fear not, sin not.” From that day Apostle Ezekiel Guti continued to have divine encounters and angelic visitations, some of which are recounted in the books History of ZAOGA Forward in Faith, African Apostle by Dr. Gayle Erwin, New African Apostle, his autobiography, and A Life of Miracles.
A few examples of the supernatural encounters in Ezekiel’s life
Music in the forest, and an audible voice from heaven
After hearing from his mother about the last punishment for all sinners, young Ezekiel, (then Handinawangu), began to go to the forest alone and cry “creator if you are there save my soul.” After doing this for many days, one day he suddenly heard music that began to play in the air, which he described as “sweet, thick music” that filled the whole forest area surrounding him. He then heard a voice that said “Fear not, sin not.” Ezekiel described this experience saying “it was like fire in my heart!” From that day he began looking for someone who could tell him more about Jesus.
Appearance of an Angel in Vumba, Zimbabwe
“…The Angel of the Lord appeared in front of me, raising his hands up and down. I trembled with fear and felt as if I had melted. The angel never left me. He went with me wherever I was preaching. For over 20 years, people saw the angel when I was preaching. The first day when I was preaching, people fell down and appeared dead. I didn’t know what had happened to them, but later on, they told me they had seen an angel standing by my side.”
Caught Up in the Air at Cottage 593 in Highfield, Harare, Zimbabwe
Another year again on a Saturday, I was fasting and praying reading the book of Acts, with a young man at Cottage 593. Suddenly the whole house was filled with bright shining and we all fell on our faces. The Lord appeared and suddenly I was caught up in the spirit. I was taken up in the air and I wondered what it was. After that, the Lord told me that if I would overcome the temptations he was going to take me to another country and train me and bring me back to my people to teach my people.
Lunch Hours with an Angel
When Ezekiel was working for Fison’s Fertilizer Company, an angel would visit him during his lunch hours showing him things to come. As he read his small New Testament, and prayed, the angel would appear and disappear when lunch hour was over. That was the vision of Lunch Hour Ministries which we have today in every city and many people are getting saved through lunch hour ministry.
Daughter Raised from the Dead
One morning Grace Mponda brought
her daughter who was dead while we were staying in Braeside. I wrestled with the spirit of death in the name of Jesus and the daughter became alive. Every now and then she would send me a chicken thanking God who brought her back to life.